Long is a shy, serious Brit who should appeal to fans of John Mayer and Mumford & Sons. A Winter Tale's lyrics can tend toward the impenetrable, but his old-before-his-time romanticism and strong rasp are real draws. White Stripes producer Liam Watson sometimes frames the folkiness with a scorching full band and sometimes lets Long’s acoustic mystery be.
Bobby Long's A Winter Tale will be available February 1, 2011.
source: EW.com via Twilightish
ouèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèè vais le recevoir la semaine pro :):):)
RépondreSupprimerOoh... tu me diras...
RépondreSupprimerpis si tu le mets sur une tite clef, hein, t'en voudrais pas... mouhahaha... ^_^#