vendredi 25 octobre 2013

More *PRESS* about Robert Pattinson... a the "Australians in Film Awards" Gala...


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from Variety
Robert Pattinson Honors Australians in Film 
Robert Pattinson presented a Fox Studios Australia Orry-Kelly International Award (or “the R Kelly golden shower award,” as he called it) to Blue-Tongue Films — a production collective of eight filmmakers. 
You look at the film industry now, everyone’s so cut-throat, especially in L.A.,” Pattinson said. “Seeing how the Blue Tongue group came together, they all seem to support each other and they’re also critics that share high quality work without their egos getting involved.” 
Mirrah Foulkes, the group’s newest and only female member, was “bullied” into accepting the award on behalf of the group. “It’s a loose collaboration and sometimes we don’t see each other for really long periods of time,” Foulkes said. “We’re all really different filmmakers and sometime we fight. But always there’s a lot of love and safety within this group. I feel like making films can sometimes feel like a crazy, weird ambition. It’s lonely. And just to know you’re surrounded by people that make you feel secure, people that support you. More than anything else, filmmaking is collaborative. 

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