mardi 16 juin 2009

What the F*** with you ppl........!!?

What the F*** with you ppl...?
Can't you behave...!

Ok... I didn't want to do a blog entry for that... first because... well, I so didn't like it... it was, and it is still making me sick...

Then... because ppl who know me a bit, know that I usually hate everything related to paparazzi (I've already done en blog entry about it...) it is making cross the way they are doing their job watching private life and so on...and posting pics of them is just giving them some more credit...!

but here... I think it is even worth... as it is from ppl calling them self fans...
com'on girls.... can't you behave a bit...
you know... for me... YOU're NOT AT ALL A FAN here.... ONLY A STALKER....
can't anybody tell them, father, mother, boyfriend, girlfriend.... anybody would do... that you CAN'T do that to PPL...

he's just doing his job... shooting that new film in NYC... and what he got... some crazy girls...trying to strangle him... what the point...!
don't forget; besides being Robert Pattinson (or any body a bit well known) he is before a Human Being...

ok... here's the vid... I let you "appreciate"....

donc... moi... perso... je la trouve pittoyable...
voire, elle me met en FUREUR...!
déjà qu'il doit faire face aux paparazzi sans scrupule... mais si en plus ses (enfin une partie de...) fans n'en n'ont pas plus... ça devient du grand n'importe quoi...!
AUCUN RESPECT envers l'acteur... ni envers l'être humain qu'il est...
bref... me tais parce que ça m'énerve.....!
(et en plus, ce sont même pas des lycéennes pour la plus part... re bref...)

bon, comme j'arrive pas à me taire... je continue...
de plus... ce qui me rend encore plus Grrrrr... c'est que si on leur faisait la moitié du quart de ce que ces foutus fans ont fait hier, elles porteraient immédiatement plainte pour harcèlement... et elles auraient pour le coup raison... alors POURQUOI un tel comportement... what the point... ...

To Rob...
I can't believe you kept smiling through it all. even if you body langage tell so much more...
Please don't get push on the edge... and get on hiding after this...not that I would blame you... I don't even understand how you're still such a nice guy toward us...




and what was Summit thinking...!

ok... you're lucky... because it is the third time I wrote that entry ... as I crashed my laptop ... well 2 times...
the first posts were far more agressive....!

source: and

according to the same sites...

And it sounds like the overwhelming pressure of his massive success is finally starting to wear on Robert, according to a source on the movie set.

The insider revealed that Mr. Pattinson was wigged out yesterday when he encountered a plethora of fans and shutterbugs on his way into work. “You could tell it was all starting to get to him, especially the hecklers. He’s been as friendly as possible to everyone; he even nicely brushed off a swarm of girls trying to get a picture with him, but after all the commotion, he needed to take a break for some personal time.”

“He sat down by himself, put his head between his legs and took a few deep breaths. But after that, it was right back to work — very professional.”



seeing him like that just break my heart...
they should be ashamed for what they did to him....

maj... le 17 Juin..
ok... ok..
that's WHY I don't like paparazzi pics... or article... or anything coming from them...
you cant trust them...!
that is apparently for the film (the two last pics... not the vid... )
feeling better.... was hurting me...
and he's a great actor...! ♥
... lol...

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