mardi 26 octobre 2010

Japanese Theatrical Magazine ”FLIX” #202 December, 2010 issue

Robert Pattinson Interview... 

Japanese magazine FLIX has an interview with Rob in which he talks Eclipse..


Edward accepted the fact that Bella and Jacob kissed; very calm never getting angry at her.
Robert: If I was Edward? I would break up with a girl like that and say “Oh you cheated on me.” (Laugh) I somehow respect Edward for that, and in fact that is the very scene I like the most in the Eclipse. He did what I can’t do. This is the very moment he did something very heroic. In the last sequel, he did what he thought the best choice and made her desperately miserable. So now he does whatever it takes to be with her.
Ordinary people would say “It’s OK, I forgive you” and soon after blame her “You’ve done such a thing!” but Edward did not. He overcome with envy & fear and thought “I know she loves me. And that is enough.” That is not an easy thing to do.
but also the "weird" gifts he brought home as souvenirs for his friends:
He told us about what he got for his friends as souvenir when he visited Japan for the first time.
Robert: There was a shopping mall near where we stayed, and I got whole bunch of stuff there. One of them was tooth paste that tastes like Curry or something weird. I got like two dozen of them and gave them to my friends; it was awesome to see their reactions! (Laugh)

source: Robert Pattinson Press Japan... via RobPattzNews...
translation & scans... Clara clara-press@project(RPP-japan)

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