mardi 10 avril 2012

Cannes 2012 : toutes les rumeurs sur la sélection...

remember, this is still rumour... and speculation (for my part... LOL...)
BUT in less than 10 days now,  Thierry Frémaux et Gilles Jacob will announce the Official Selection for Cannes 2012...!!
so, we just have to keep faith.... and eventually, cross our fingers... Photobucket



Antiviral de Brandon Cronenberg
Vu son pitch (des anonymes s'injectent des virus contractés par des stars) le premier film de Brandon Cronenberg semble creuser le sillon du cinéma de son père. Sa venue sur Cannes l'année ou son père renoue, via Cosmopolis, avec ses années Videodrome serait un joli coup médiatique. Mais la contamination du festival par les Cronenberg risquerait d'être contreproductive si le comparatif, que ne manquerait pas de faire la presse, virait au détriment de l'un ou de l'autre.
Taux de présence potentielle : 78%
"mine" translation...
About its pitch (anonymous inject virus contracted by stars) Brandon Cronenberg's first film seems to dig the trench film of his father. His coming to Cannes, the year his father renews through Cosmopolis, with his years Videodrome is a nice publicity stunt. But the contamination of the festival by Cronenberg might be counter-productive if the comparison, that would not fail to press, tacked to the detriment of one or the other.

Antiviral, Brandon Cronenberg's (son of David, of course) film could be present or not at Cannes Festival... Actually, they are saying that it won't be THAT good two have 2 Cronenberg's films (dad and son).... Does it mean that Cosmopolis will be present (almost) for sure...???

anyhow, you can read the whole article HERE...!
(and, btw, there are also talking about SWATH... potential: 73%)

source: via Cosmopolis France

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