samedi 4 juin 2011

Robert Pattinson will present Reese Witherspoon the Generation Award at MTV Movie Awards

Great job of ROBsessed...
thaaaaank you...
they.... capped, then cropped, then did a wacky highlight job... to show that...
  • Robert Pattinson will present the Generation Award to Reese Witherspoon (sandwiched between Chelsea Handler and Patrick Dempsey). 
  • The Best Kiss award will be in Act 5. 
  • Act 9 will be the Breaking Dawn exclusive clip presented by Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, and Rob!
 (look at the "orangish" lines... and I add some . for you to find it easily )
We couldn't see this column in the video but if you watch, you hear that Act 1 will contain Best Male Performance... 
fingers crossed for Rob... Photobucket


original cap...

source:  ROBsessed
source vid. : MTV via RobPattzNews

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